Tuesday 28 August 2012

Blue-Grey Forest & Contest

My brother is currently redoing his room. Instead of buying some art for his walls he decided to paint his own abstract masterpiece (which turned out really fantastic).

I lent him my art supplies last night and while he brainstormed his concept and experimented with colour and technique, I borrowed his idea of a tree and came up with the following based on the proposed colour scheme of his room (blue-greys, greys, browns and black).

Scanned version of my painting of a Blue-Gray misty forest
 Blue Grey Forest, Watercolour on Watercolour paper. 15 x 11 inches. © 2012 Shazanna Khan.

My scanner was not large enough to capture the entire piece. It was cropped on the sides during the scanning process, but you can get the basic feel of the piece from it. Also I thought that the colours showed up better on the scanned version than the photographed one.

Now that its finished it reminds me a bit of the woods in that Twilight movie, albeit a more gloomy one.

I need a name for this piece! SO let's try to make this into a contest. Let me know what you think it should be called. I will pick my favourite one at the end of the week and that person will get their own digital sketch (at a later date, i.e. when I have free time). Emphasis on the sketch part too. Content to be decided upon discussion with the winner of this "contest".

What do you think I should call it ? Leave me a comment and let me know your title. OR leave me a comment anyway of your thoughts about this blog post :)

Thank you for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what you should name it really, but I can tell you I love this piece. It's the dank starkness of it that really strikes me.


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